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Visit our local points in Lisbon and Parede
Visit our local points in Lisbon and Parede
Showing 25–36 of 54 results
Г. Гессе “Магия красок. Акварели из Тессина, заметки и стихи”
19.00 €Знаменитый немецкий писатель и поэт Г.Гессе писать красками начал в разгар Первой мировой войны. Живопись помогла ему…
Выдающийся писатель, лауреат Нобелевской премии Исаак Башевис Зингер (1904-1991) посвятил роман “Семья Мускат” (1950) памяти своего старшего…
A subtle and insightful story about boredom, passion, curiosity and memory from the Nobel Prize-winner Jose Saramago…
S. Alexievich “The Unwomanly Face of War”
15.00 €Extraordinary stories from Soviet women who fought in the Second World War – from the winner of…
J. Saramago “The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis”
16.00 €A unique, meditative, funny, politically astute masterpiece by one of Europe’s greatest writers The world’s threats are…
Macon ‘Milkman’ Dead was born shortly after a neighbourhood eccentric hurled himself off a rooftop in a…
In 1963, Annie Ernaux, 23 and unattached, realizes she is pregnant. Shame arises in her like a…
Considered by many to be the iconic French memoirist’s defining work, The Years is a narrative of…
J. Saramago “Journey to Portugal”
16.00 €Jose Saramago takes us on a thrilling literary journey through the land, history and culture of his…
J. Saramago “The History of the Siege of Lisbon”
15.00 €What happens when the facts of history are replaced by the mysteries of love? When Raimundo Silva,…
No food, no water, no government, no obligation, no order. Discover a chillingly powerful and prescient dystopian…
Р. Киплинг “Как было написано первое письмо”
26.00 €Это случилось давным-давно, еще в каменном веке, когда на земле жила да была семья первобытных людей –…