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Tag psychology

Эмоции, которые нами управляют. Как взять штурвал в свои руки
Авторская лекция Марины Безугловой, кандидата медицинских наук, социолога, писателя, топ менеджера, трансформационного коуча и тренера…

Parents and children
Behavior and character: what is innate, what is acquired? With a large number of children…

How to create a scandal?
We invite you to a lively and fascinating lecture, built in the form of a…

Personal Strategy: Managing Your Career and Life Goals in a Rapidly Changing World.
Personal strategy is a conscious systematic approach to managing your career and life goals in…

The Brain as an Organ of Predictions: The Key to Understanding the Psyche (Workshop)
From goosebumps from your favorite music to the most important decisions in life: our brain…

The value of values
New lecture by Alexey Kapterev We have all heard the word “values”, but no one…

Strength of Character
The new workshop from Alexey Kapterev is an honest look at your strengths and weaknesses.…

Adult mental health in Portugal and the world
Let’s talk about the use of antidepressants, sedatives and dietary supplements in the treatment of…

How to get rid of overeating?
How to treat food correctly and not experience emotional discomfort due to your eating habits?…

What is character and how to “calculate” it
A journey into the history of theories about personality and character awaits us! Let’s start…