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E. Altarriba “Economics”



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E. Altarriba “Economics”


Economics provides an easy-to-understand explanation for children about the economy, its impact on our daily lives and how it affects society.

Where does economics come from? Why do we use it? And how can it affect the world around us? As part of the My World series, Economics is a book designed to provide an easy-to-understand explanation about the complex world of economics that children may often hear about on news whenever the topics of ‘inflation’ and the ‘rising cost of living’ are mentioned.

This book concisely explains what basic economic ideas and theories are, how economic activity affects our everyday lives and how our societies and the wider world are shaped by its structures and rules. From yard sales to large global businesses, this book explores how economic theories help to explain not only how we act as earners, savers and consumers, but also how places like schools and hospitals are run.

Accompanied by colorful and characterful illustrations, the subject of economics is regarded in the simplest, most objective way possible, so that children have all the information they need to understand the world around them and the role economics plays within it.

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